Wednesday 6 October 2010

Why we, and I, do what we, and I, do

Sometimes one is driven to certain actions for no apparent reason, for reasons that seem opaque, even trite, or sometimes the actual reason only becomes apparent much later, it could be a potent urge that made you do what you've done. For I cannot find a reason to start this blog. Or am I lying to myself, and to you, that I in fact do know the reason, of course I do, did, but its existence, its preying presence is too awful, too chaotic to confront at this stage, it cannot be looked at, its snapping jaws are simply too intimidating.
But I will go on, like all the other millions of fools who do blogs publishing old letters and poems, and sometimes an 'inspired' thought. Always in the hope that that special person will read it, and remember.

30 August 2011

Looking back at the way in which I have changed the name and tag-line of this blog: from a longish description of how my family came from Prussia, lived in SA for a few generatoins, and then came back to Europe, to a more poignant tag-line: " open letter, especially for my children", shows me how my mood has changed over the months.Question is though, is it for the better.

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