Friday 10 June 2011

More Poems from the 70's and 80's


with wise and expectantly sad
they huddled together, four-deep,
a black sausage
bundled and corralled
into one cattle-proof
open Bedford;
some clutching
black hymn books
others flashing free
Japanese wreaths,
made in Hong Kong
a procession of one Bedford
its mourners singing
raw and soft
following one black hearse
coffin gleaming dully
and its lights
bright and white-
death is no equalizer.


were your intestines pulsating
rhythmically (revolting thick sausage)
to the barbiturate strains of death
when they found you
abandoned (sigh, relief)
your habit, a dull grey as well,
discarded ?
did you not smell his danger at recording sessions, feel his promises echo around your ribcage, tingle
your oh sweet jesus nipples ?
could Antonio, son of merchant Salieri,
not convince you,
with his rather slashed throat
that Senore,
would directly bestow
upon you his Music
and then, languidly,
with a  l imp  wrist
proclaim you
il Compione of mediety ?

News Report 1985-04-02
The Belgian so-called Singing Nun w
ho achieved fame in 1964 with her monster hit "DOMINIQUE" committed suicide today by an over dose of barbiturates. She was  expelled from her order following a dispute with the Mother Superior, who today was not prepared to comment. The Singing Nun who died penniless, apparently had such a sweet disposition that she was often referred to as 'Sister Smile'.

Portrait of the the young Woman as an Artist

uncured (a pale pale ) canvas:
serenely gavotting, yet
collapsing spatially,
pirouetting a fine net
across the void
created by a series of lines
hacked into her eyes;
ner consciousness a subdued halo,
a furtive halo flitting
christ-knows, unseen into
the virginity of the canvas,
a glissando of iced passion
splitting her deeply


see her sway before the
two-legged easel,
her altar spattered with ink
and the soggy remains of her anima,
see the silenced voice
f her unconscious
drip from a gilt frame

see her now
on the floor, dissolve like hot paté,
a wraithed amoeba retrogressing,
going home
her now-infant face a botticelli oil
(Black Black Black)
red, amadeus-red caressing
her fragmenting lips,
white and prussian-blue
streaks on her forehead.

see her shivering back
into the womb, drippingthe red stuff,
red covering her 2 kg frame,
red running, blackening other colours,
staining the floor,
sucked up into the easel legs,
then into the frame,
spreading gloriously onto
the pale, pale canvas.

Palm (wristless) above owlish waters

When the mist Rolls away
from the Owl-infested waters,
when the hoots (profound) resound,
across the hurt-hurt-lovely seven silver
when the Palm, a Stop-palm, wristless,
floats above
the opacity of the seven;
oh, how I long for
a stray assassin’s bullet.


the question of when,
not the quantum of,
the End
has stirred me numbly and pre-natally.

It came,
not with Dresden saturations,
Bavarian holiday camps or the express-delivered package floating free from the 'Enola Gay'.

Every xmas shattered by claymores
peace pipes convulsing into R.P,D's
each mozartian jewel crushed
under a jack-boot,
made me wince, ponder, wince, angry, wise
until I had covered myself
with a camouflaged slime
of reason and statistics.

Thus, with some relief
I eventually saw the Marauder
stand in his wellingtons midst
a thousand cornered dolphins, and,
with flaps of their tails,
their every scream of fear faithfully
recorded by high-tech Akai's,
yes, with each wet-slapping thud of
a japanese lance into their bottle-noses
I knew
our time had come,
to pass.

(Written after viewing the annual dolphin slaughter in Japan)


with the crackling dawn's birth,
her golden Son's smile
touching, fleetingly, the velvet-wetness
of sacrificial stones,
we see (to find to touch)
our re-born child 
of fair face and magical smile;
of arctic-turned-to-Blood
Blood, awesome, beautiful life-force;

Then I drink again from
your scented mouth
your honeyed strokes splashing
bold colours across
my barren canvas.


air bursts curdle her
milky blood into a riot,
she dissolves into the long nights,
a milky way in her hair,
passion a smile on her fingers
darting stukas seeking-and-destroying,

she glides down playgirl galleries
heading, inevitably, for the Void;

only to return to him for redemption,
                     sanctification .

Kalk Bay 20 April 1985


A rum-and-coco-cola room:
doubling up, at times,
as a uterine choc-cock treat,
slip-sliding fat bottles lolling, rolling
across savaged panelyte surfaces,
flat, brusque-forgiving surfaces
flip-flopping between their legs
their stove-piped, berkshired legs,
legs lap-lapping, lick-licking
the mu-mu-music
mmmusic of mime
Glenn Miller and Elvis jump-a-jumping
from Elk echo chambers

pointed shoes and pointless medulla obligatae
all that distinguishes the men
from cheerful rubber plants and
'Mary, I love you sure.  Cheng.  '-walls.
the little languid ladies:
loosely-painted lips licking
at their sagging entrails
(slapped together by stomach muscles
sobbing in foetal abandon)
parted and breathless hips
grinding shallow graves into the wall-wall
the dauphinesses of trashy Alley.

And then Mr. Goddo, the smell
stravinsky-doubled gloom
smothered under dollops of
licorice-1ayered loneliness.

‘n Ander(ste) gedig vir Dinsdagaande

Die A-B bepaalde, beperkende tydshokkie
tussen die
rollende lirieke van vandag
se vandagheid
kaalgat, en in ‘n kaalvuis
‘n naguil se wrangwysheid
en dan: emmersvol
vuil,vuil verdriet.

Life (as is)

As the interminable stream
flings and crushes
the marathon smoothness
of my roll,
and rips the outer platinum,
there sits:
a bushbuck man,
with mirrored eyes
that scythe
the others free.

He is two months old,
the soft side of death
from his echoing eyes
two shy ice-cream scoops,
caves in which his thumbs sleep
forming the cross-bar of an almost-cross,
he knew he saw
his mother
sucking his numb cheeks
teaching him to swallow
with little-bird sounds
Twenty years for him to:
no purrs, croaks, squawks, words, shrieks
floated through his tactile lips,
her faith a stupid cross,
a frightening lizard she carried
in her mouth,
slipping away at night
it's tail a forked tongue
in the light of that night
when he was almost upright,
a factory-reject gone platinum,
that idiot savant, the Unnamed,
sanctified her
and, care of N.B.C., me
with two grotesque gifts :
he cried once
fleshly, fatty tears blurping
down in xeroxed precision,
black-red ones
until the pool shimmering
under his piano seemed to run
backwards, into his sockets
two vermillion snakes slithering
over his pyjamas and chins
and then on some insula of his tangled mind
he met Saint-Saëns and
stroked and ululated
the gnarled Wurlitzer into sonnets
of cadenzas and fugues and,
whilst crying, he sang,
and redeemed me.


now that tomorrow
has screwed itself into
a nervous little knot
twitching like jellied lava,
since destiny re-routed itself
to this side of yesterday

your cross and chain
has garotted me.

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